Better texture, Better Products.

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Our Product

Our process begins with selective buying by our expert team. Over the years we have combined our experience in selecting prime quality raw seaweed and processing them with our own innovative methods to deliver first quality functional carrageenan. In recent years carrageenan has also been applied into many other industries such as beauty and personal care products, pharmaceuticals as well as biodegradable packaging.

Our company produces 100% pure KAPPA and IOTA carrageenan; additionally, we offer to collaborate with our customers in order to meet their unique requirements.

Pure Carrageenan

Kappa Carrageenan

IOTA Carrageenan

Custom Carrageenan

Artagum | Meat Processing Products

Cappiogum | Jelly-Based Products

Secagum | Dairy Products






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Meat Application

Improves its quality by enhancing its texture, slice-ability, and mouthfeel

Increases product yield and juiciness

Excellent stabilizing and gelling agent

Provides stability to freeze-thaw cycling



Jelly - Based Application      

Contributes to gel firmness and minimize syneresis

Cost effective


Provides higher melting and gelling temperature

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Dairy Application

Imparts a creamy, firm body

Prevents precipitation of milk casein

Imparts homogenous appearance and texture to flavoured milk for longer period of time

Provides excellent mouthfeel and flavor release


Personal Care Application

Improves appearance by creating stable, dry and solid textured gels

Promotes uniform release of fragrance oil

Increases shelf life

Enriches texture, stability and overall efficacy of the end products

Gives excellent homogeneity and texture

Provides easy application and good rinseability